The Open University Law Society would like to announce the winners of the Open University Novice Moot. They are:
Emma and David performed outstandingly. Their preparation, delivery and advocacy was really persuasive and they honestly did themselves proud. Well done both and congratulations!
OULS would also like to acknowledge our runners up:
Zoe O’Connell & Freya Morgan.
Again, you both performed exceptionally well and should be truly proud of yourselves.
Equally, I wish to congratulate every single person who gave the moot a go!
Sometimes the scariest step you take is the first. So well done! We have been truly blown away by the fantastic advocates within the OULS. You should all be super proud and we hope to see you moot again soon.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Master and Mistress of the Moots: Johnny Martin and Charlotte Elizabeth for their consistent hard work and efforts for making this competition truly fantastic.
Keep your eyes peeled for the next mooting opportunities...but let’s give them a little well-deserved break first ey!
From the OULS Chair