When writing the last newsletter we had not long gone into lockdown and everyone was still unsure on what was happening. I think people are starting to find their feet a little and are going one of two ways.
Some are loving the new working from home routine – I have spoken to so many people over the last few weeks who have been working from home who just seem so much more relaxed. I needed to speak to someone about ordering a garden bin, the lady was in her kitchen making a curry whilst on the phone to me, normally you ring up 5 minutes rushed on the phone and that’s it. I was on the phone for 45 minutes to the lady. I found out about her grandkids and her dogs. We were laughing and joking it was lovely. The same with our housing officer, who, as I am disabled rang to make sure I was okay and had everything I needed and was getting all my supplies. She was talking whilst laid on her bed with her cat and her husband on the laptop next to her. One hour later we were still chatting. Something we all need during this uncertain time, someone to talk to. It makes you wonder if working from home for some businesses once this is all over is the way to go. It will make some industries realise that it can be done. Over heads will be less, less travel time and traffic on the road and less stress from their staff. It will also open more doors for people with disabilities who have the brains and can do work but sometimes getting out the house is a feat in itself.
On the other end of the scale though I am aware there are those who are starting to climb the walls (yes I have a few friends with children who have asked if drinking before 12 noon is legal?) and those that are finding the restriction hard on mental health and those that the restriction is having a financial impact on. There are businesses that are struggling to cope to stay afloat in this climate and some unfortunately will not or have not survived.
Prisons are struggling to keep up with the demand of prisoners coming in and the overcrowding with the virus. The government’s original statement that up to 4,000 prisoners could be released was far off the mark with only 33 being released early, mainly those that were pregnant. Prisoners unfortunately have lost their lives, which makes it a very worrying time for solicitors and barristers who have to represent the ones on remand or are at appeal stage.
The number of lives taken by this dreadful virus is shocking. The amazing and outstanding work carried out by all key workers from the NHS to our legal system who continue to hold up this countries legal Justice system without much recognition to the delivery drivers and distributors up and down the country. I salute you all.
I think once this is all over life as we know it will be different and we all have to learn to adapt again. For some it will come easier to them than others. We are all chartering new waters, but one thing we have in common – we are all in it together. Whilst we have to remember those that have lost their lives and those that have struggled, without the happy times, without the smiles and the joys it would indeed be a very bleak time.
In the last month we have said goodbye to over 30,000 individuals. We have watched intensely as our prime minister has fought for his life. We have watched as he pulled through in time to welcome his new son Wilfred into the world, and we have seen Colonel Tom Moore raise over 30 million pounds for the NHS by walking 100 laps of his garden in honour of his 100th Birthday. The birthday cards he received filled his grandson’s school hall. Now if that is not a country uniting together what is?
This Friday saw the country celebrate VE day. After the queen addressed the nation at 9pm the British Legion asked that we gather on our door steps whilst adhering to social distancing rules to sing we’ll meet again. To me this was not only for those friends and family I miss every day (that currently I am unable to see until this lockdown is over) but for everyone who has ever lost their lives.
So no matter how you have been affected by this situation, for better or for worse, keep well, keep safe, until we meet again!
Written by: Victoria-Jayne Scholes
