Other routes

The majority of people think the only career path a law degree can take you, is to becoming a barrister or a solicitor, but a law degree teaches you so much diverse learning techniques that it opens up many different career opportunities. Below I have listed some options before going into detail into the more opted for approaches, but this does not mean other opportunities are not out there.
Career Path
Advice worker
Chartered Legal Executive
Company Secretary
Forensic Computer Analyst
Chartered Legal Executives
As a qualified lawyer you can specialise in a particular area of law to provide specialist legal advice to individuals. Most qualified chartered legal executives will work alongside a qualified solicitor. The course for those that have a qualifying law degree normally takes between nine months and one year to complete part time as it is completed alongside employment.
Those studying the LLB can apply for a Graduate fast track diploma/ accelerated pathway to skip the first stage of the Cilex route and just commence the level 6 diploma before completing a period of qualifying working in order to obtain the qualification. To read more on the qualification please see the CILEX website.
Once you are qualified you will be eligible to become a partner in a law firm.
Paralegals are the glue that hold solicitors and barristers together. You will be assisting in tasks assigned to you by them. Whilst you may not get to appear in court, you may help in drafting legal papers.
The paralegal sector is fierce. It is the best way to get your feet in the door at a law firm and especially now with the introduction on the SQE which means any experience gained through being a paralegal will go towards your two years QWE.
Paralegals must be able to work well under pressure, fast thinkers and able to multitask. The ability to jump from one job to another at the drop of a hat is essential. If a barrister or solicitor needs to know what is happening at a certain point with a case and you have been dealing with the paperwork, they will expect you to know. You are their right hand man and they rely on you.
This is not an admin office job. It will give you legal experience in a legal setting.